Large meals, family gatherings and gift giving are often occasions that indicate that the holiday season is near. As a result, consumers may be spending more money than usual as they purchase ingredients for special dishes, make travel plans and search for presents....
Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.
Month: October 2013
Bankruptcy could help stop wage garnishment in Tennessee
Many people living in southern states experience fewer opportunities for higher education, and statistics indicate a lower employment rate in this region of the country. As a result, many residents rely on credit to help supplement their low incomes. Accruing...
Chapter 7 could help Tennessee residents laden with medical debt
When many Tennessee residents think of medical expenses, the typical issues that come to mind are treatments for illnesses. However, it is also important to remember that dental issues also fall under medical treatment, and therefore, these issues can contribute to a...
Credit card debt could be harder on more older adults than young
Stereotypically, young people in Tennessee and across the country are often thought of as being irresponsible with money and more likely to find themselves in a difficult financial situation. However, a recent study has found that though young people may accumulate...
Mounting debt should not mean harassing phone calls in Tennessee
Considerable debt can be stressful enough for Tennessee consumers without the added reminder from collection calls. It is true that debt collectors have the ability to take certain actions against debtors, but it is also true that they may not harass or illegally...