Facing a foreclosure is a frustrating experience. You usually do not end up here unless you are having financial struggles. In this situation, you have a few options. If possible, you want to find the money to catch up on your mortgage payments and keep your home....
Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.
Month: December 2019
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Filing for Chapter 7 as a small business owner
Small businesses encounter financial challenges for a wide variety of reasons and attorney Ben Sissman knows how tough it is for business owners in Memphis to work their way out of these situations. Some are able to create a payment plan to address their financial...
What happens during a foreclosure?
If you fall behind in your mortgage payments, you may end up facing a foreclosure. While you want to do everything possible to stop the process and keep your home, it can help to understand what happens when your lender begins foreclosing on your property in...