Getting a notice of foreclosure is very frightening. This is why it is imperative that you do everything you can beforehand to avoid the notice. While you may not be able to control everything related to your economic situation, there are some steps you can take to...
Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.
Month: March 2021
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How do Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies differ?
Once your financial situation starts to spiral out of control, it often proves difficult to get things back on track. If you have no feasible way of repaying what you owe creditors within the next few years, you may want to think about filing for bankruptcy. Depending...
An option to consider if rental assistance does not help
Individuals experiencing serious financial hardship from a job loss may qualify for temporary rental relief. According to the Nashville Tennessean, a household may receive up to one year's worth of financial aid to pay past due rent. If an individual still finds it...