When individuals are considering filing for bankruptcy, they may place too much focus on the negative aspects of the process. Certainly, bankruptcy will have an effect on credit scores and other facets, but it can also prove to be beneficial for individuals with...
Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.
Month: January 2015
Chapter 7 may be beneficial for some Tennessee residents
When Tennessee residents hear the word "bankruptcy," they may automatically feel negative emotions toward the process. However, personal bankruptcy could be beneficial for individuals who have a considerable amount of debt and are unable to pay off balances on their...
Title loans may lead to car repossession in Tennessee
When working to handle a tight financial spot, individuals may consider options that may hurt them in the long run. Certain decisions, such as to pawn an asset or take out another type of loan, may seem like an easy way to get money quickly. However, interest rates on...
Considering Chapter 13 bankruptcy may help Tennessee residents
When Tennessee residents hear someone mention the state of the economy, many of them may quickly become uninterested. The economy has been the reasoning behind many hardships that individuals have had to face. Some parties may become more interested now that the...