When individuals consider their financial situation, they may find themselves wondering what the best way to handle their debt could be. Bankruptcy may be an option they consider, but Memphis residents may also feel that filing for Chapter 13 or other forms of...
Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.
Month: July 2014
Considering interest fees could help with debt relief
One of the main issues that can cause a Tennessee resident to have a greater debt burden is the amount of interest they must pay on their remaining balances. Interest significantly affects the amount of money that is due to credit card companies. Luckily, individuals...
Credit card debt may make Tennessee residents feel irresponsible
For many Tennessee residents, one of their most embarrassing and shameful situations could be the amount of credit card debt that they have accumulated. They may fear that their credit card debt points to a lack of ability to properly handle their finances. However,...
Chapter 7 could benefit Tennessee residents who qualify
When a Tennessee resident is in a difficult financial situation, many different options may be considered. Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be one of those options, but an individual may have some reservations with going that route. However, parties should know that...
Credit card debt could be kept low by avoiding certain situations
Some Tennessee residents may wonder how their financial situation got so out of control. Individuals may not always realize how quickly credit card debt can add up, and if they use their cards in unnecessary situations, the balances could quickly accrue. By avoiding...