File For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy In Memphis, Tennessee
To file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must pass the means test. One of the key factors the means test looks at is your income. If your income is less than the median for a person in Tennessee, the means test will not be a problem. Even if your income is greater than the median, you still may pass the means test based on other factors.
Do Not Worry About It
I am attorney Ben Sissman. Over the course of more than 30 years spent helping people like you obtain debt relief, I have come to understand the stress involved. You are stressed and losing sleep. You are being harassed by creditors. Threats are being made to take away the things you need. So you consider bankruptcy, and then you get stressed about whether you will qualify and whether you will pass the Memphis Chapter 7 bankruptcy means test. I am here to tell you not to worry about it. That’s my job.
You are going to be okay. As soon as you choose me as your lawyer, I will take the reins and guide you through the bankruptcy process. I will tell you everything you need to know about the means test and then help you take it. I want to take all of that stress on my shoulders and let you start to see that a future free of debt is completely within your grasp.
Free Initial Consultation | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law Firm In Memphis
Call 901-730-4958 or send an email to schedule a meeting today.
The law office of Ben Sissman is a debt relief agency that helps people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.