When people are facing foreclosure, there are many different challenges many have to work through. For example, a lot of people in this position are experiencing financial problems, especially if they recently lost their job or are struggling with medical expenses due...
Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.
Month: May 2020
Steps to take after bankruptcy
Filing bankruptcy can bring much needed financial relief, but once it is over, you will need to rebuild your finances and credit. If you want a better future without new debt trouble, you need to devise a plan for the steps you will take after your bankruptcy...
How does wage garnishment work in Tennessee?
Wage garnishment is a recourse that creditors take when you do not make regular payments on your debts. And while it can feel unfair and put undue pressure on your financial situation, as long as they get approval from the courts, these liens can pull a portion of...
3 things to know about bankruptcy
Between automatic stays, debt repayment plans and multiple code chapters, there is arguably a lot to know about bankruptcy. However, there is more to it than technical details. In general, bankruptcy can be a very good solution for people who want to get out from...