When in college, a Tennessee student may be more worried about classes, grades and social life than their credit score. However, many college students apply for credit cards while in college, and if attention is not paid to how that card balance is being handled, a...
Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.
Month: May 2014
Tennessee residents could be at risk for property repossession
When overall consumer debt increases in Tennessee and across the country, financially savvy parties may believe that points to consumers feeling more confident about their income and spending habits. However, confidence could at times lead to too much spending and...
Financial issues could lead to Chapter 13 in Tennessee
Many Tennessee residents may have a difficult time managing their finances. While this problem is not uncommon, it can be a very detrimental issue that can affect a person's livelihood. Financial issues can lead to considerable debt and other money problems, and...
Medical debt may cause Tennessee residents to consider bankruptcy
Staying in good health is a goal of many Tennessee residents, but unfortunately, unexpected illnesses or injuries can strike at any moment. If a person has not prepared for such a situation, healthcare expenses can quickly accumulate. As a result, an individual may be...