Getting a notice of foreclosure is very frightening. This is why it is imperative that you do everything you can beforehand to avoid the notice. While you may not be able to control everything related to your economic situation, there are some steps you can take to...
Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.
Debt Management
How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio
Your debt-to-income ratio is simply the amount of monthly debt you have relative to your income. If you do not know your ratio, you may be in for a surprise when trying to finance a home, car or anything else. That is, debt-to-income ratio is a major factor in most...
Are you facing debt collector harassment?
Tennessee residents like you suffer under the weight of your debt. You do not need more external forces making this even worse for you. Unfortunately, that is exactly what debt collectors can do. What happens if a debt collector crosses the line and begins to harass...
Emotional hardships and foreclosure
When people are facing foreclosure, there are many different challenges many have to work through. For example, a lot of people in this position are experiencing financial problems, especially if they recently lost their job or are struggling with medical expenses due...
What should you do if you cannot pay your mortgage?
If you have debt that is steadily accumulating and beginning to affect your ability to stay on top of your financial obligations, it will not be long before you start to feel the strain of your predicament. If you own a home in Tennessee, one valid concern you may...
Reasons to reconsider a loan modification
If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments and are facing possible foreclosure, a loan modification is one possible option to resolve the matter. However, depending on your situation, it may not necessarily be the best option. There are several different...
The truth about bankruptcy and student loans
One of the things you may know about bankruptcy is that you cannot discharge student loan debt. However, that is not always true. While most cases in Tennessee will not qualify to discharge student loans, there may be some that do. So, it is always worth checking into...
Cancer is a common cause of severe medical debt and bankruptcy
When someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, your first concern is the process of treatment and the likelihood of remission. One of the very serious consequences of a cancer diagnosis is often a lot of medical debt. Cancer treatments, such as surgeries,...
The Important Differences Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Many people go through life just fine until they run into unfortunate circumstances. When people exhaust their emergency funds or run out of sources of income, bankruptcy is often their only (and best) option. It is important to remember that filing for bankruptcy...
Bankruptcy could be second chance for some Tennessee residents
There may be times in an individual's life where he or she may need a second chance. More often than not, those chances can be hard to come by, and many people --Tennessee residents included -- could find themselves facing prolonged difficulties. However, for those...