Having significant debt is a burden that affects a vast number of people. Many Tennessee residents have been found to forego putting money toward certain necessities, such as medical treatment, in order to put their income toward paying off their debt. Delaying medical treatment can cause an increase in health problems, but many people who do seek treatment end up with considerable medical debt and more stress to deal with. If medical debt is not being paid back in a timely manner, collectors could begin wage garnishment.
Though collectors do have certain rights they may invoke in order to get money that is owed, it is better for consumers to be able to pay back their debts on their own terms. Hospitals and collectors are currently working on standards that would help patients with medical debt better understand the process of paying off balances and what actions may be taken. These standards come as a response to legislation dealing with the same issue.
Some of the standards being proposed include giving patients a certain amount of time to pay off balances before other action on the part of collectors is taken. Patients should be aware of the number of days they would have before they could face issues for their outstanding balances. If a balance is not paid off in that time, debtors could find themselves facing repossession or garnishment.
No one wants to face wage garnishment and would much rather deal with medical debt on their own schedule. In order to have a better hold on a repayment plan, information on Tennessee bankruptcy laws could benefit residents who find themselves with considerable debt and who may be facing debt collectors. Though collectors are not allowed to harass or intimidate those with outstanding balances, collectors do have the ability to take certain measures to ensure that debt is repaid.
Source: Forbes, Hospitals, Debt Collectors Rush To Create Standards For Collecting Patient Debt, Evan Albright, Sept. 4, 2013