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Do You Qualify For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy In Tennessee?

Do you qualify for bankruptcy? Many people believe this is a tricky question. In reality, it is not. It is actually quite simple. If you are drowning in debt, chances are good that you qualify for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. My name is Ben Sissman. I am a bankruptcy attorney with more than 30 years of experience helping people like you get relief from debt.

Bankruptcy Qualifications Under The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Means

You may have heard about something called the means test. This test must be taken to determine Chapter 7 eligibility. In most cases, this is just a formality. You have been dealing with creditor harassment for months or maybe even years. Perhaps you have been threatened with foreclosure. These are not things that people have to deal with if they are financially stable and not eligible for bankruptcy. Even if the means test says you cannot file Chapter 7, you still may benefit from Chapter 13.

For People Who Have Filed Bankruptcy In Tennessee Before

When the question of qualification for Memphis bankruptcy arises, there is one factor that could very well make a person ineligible: the date of their last bankruptcy filing. If you have filed Chapter 7 before, you must wait eight years before you can file Chapter 7 again. While you can file subsequent Chapter 13 bankruptcies, they may come with limitations. For example, there may not be an automatic stay involved. As your lawyer, I will offer guidance if you need to file bankruptcy in Tennessee again.

Free Initial Consultation | Find Out If You Qualify For Memphis Bankruptcy

Call 901-730-4958 or send an email to schedule a meeting today.

The law office of Ben Sissman is a debt relief agency that helps people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.