Stop Worrying. It’s Going To Be Ok.

Protect Yourself Against Payday Loan Scams

When you are desperately short on money, you will look into ways that you had never thought of before to get you through to your next paycheck. If you are one of the many people who have looked into a payday loan, you may be susceptible to falling victim of a payday loan scam, even if you decided not to take out the loan.

Many payday loan scams originate from Clark County in Nevada where Las Vegas is located. People who are searching for payday loans on the internet can become victims of the scammers in Las Vegas. I am Ben Sissman, a Memphis lawyer who represents victims of payday loan scams, including those originating from Vegas and other cities, including overseas. If you think you have become targeted by a payday loan scammer, call me to discuss your situation in a free initial consultation: 901-730-4958.

Did You Receive A Phone Call From Nevada Demanding To Pay Up On A Debt?

Did you make an inquiry into a payday loan either over the phone or online? In some instances, the website or phone number may not be associated with a legitimate lender. Con artists are able to obtain your personal information in that way. They then run debt collector scams, threatening to be the IRS, legitimate debt collection agencies or even the sheriff’s office with the power to arrest you.

If you do receive a phone call, ask for the name of the company and the original creditor. Hang up and call that creditor back with the phone number that is on paperwork from them.

Financial problems are stressful, and being harassed by con artists can exacerbate the problem even further. By talking to an attorney such as myself, you can work through these problems and explore your options for obtaining debt relief through bankruptcy.

Do Not Procrastinate On Getting Help From A Qualified Lawyer. Contact Me For A Free Initial Consultation.

When you are strapped for cash, the very last thing you need is a dishonest person or company trying to take away even more of your money. To get answers to your questions and to discuss your options, call my Tennessee law firm at 901-730-4958. You can also contact me online to schedule your free initial consultation.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.